Music Director of Nepali Movie raped a 9 year old girl

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New Nepali movie ‘Hawaldar Suntali’ song ‘Ghanti Bajyo’ music director Dinesh Subedi has raped a 9 year old girl. Two days ago on Daman on his own school Seti Ganesh Secondary School. He raped his own student. The incident revealed in the evening  then all the local painted black on his face and also tried to beat him to death.

Police tried to save Dinesh while local tried to beat him but in vain even police’s dress got tore up while the beating.

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We're hearing one after one rape news. This kind of crime isn't stopping. Few days back 6 year old girl was raped and tortured with wood stick, isn't that inhuman? The acid attacker is till unknown and now the famous Nepali Musician is involved on rape crime with a 9 year old girl who is his own student, what a shame. Our law must do something before more rape crime will happen.

News Source: Newsfilmy Official Website

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